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Effective training doesn't happen by accident.
Microlearning is a concept that continues to gain popularity since it emerged in the early 2000s. Some of its many benefits include:
Immediately being able to put new knowledge to use (think YouTube tutorials on just about anything)
Less time away from the job
Focus on just the necessary information
Versatility, adaptability
What is it?
It’s there in the name: micro. Small. Brief.
Microlearning focuses only on the information required. It’s the “need to know” not “nice to know”. It could be a video, like the YouTube tutorials mentioned above, but it could also be a graphic, a podcast, a photograph, an online activity - the options are really only limited by your resources, situation, and imagination.
This brief article from the Association for Talent Development provides an excellent overview that goes into a little more detail. (You could also consider it microlearning.)
If you want more information on how to incorporate microlearning into your training strategy, get in touch to set up a free consultation.
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